A wonderful overnight marinade makes the pork so flavorful - serve with the delicious, creamy mustard sauce. A super dish for buffets and potlucks, as...
This is the first time I tried leg steaks. I found them to be a delicious and very tender cut of lamb. This is how I was told to prepare them by my mother....
This recipe was created from a combination of different recipes that I read when I was looking for the perfect iron steak. I combined, adjusted, and finally...
This is a family recipe passed down from my grandfather and my father who still make every New Year's Day. It's the best. Trust me, you'll love this recipe....
This is a light, juicy, flavorful dish. Being a mom of a 7 month old, I've learned to take a lot of shortcuts and still be able to cook quality food. This...
I grew up in northeast Ohio and this was my all time favorite dish when I was little...now I make it, and my family loves it too! I like to use all pork...
Chicken a la crema is one of my favorite recipes and one of the greatest chicken recipes of all time. It's simple to make, incredibly comforting, and gorgeous...
Absolutely delicious. The fresh corn bread adds so much flavor! Use bacon or ground pork. You can add whatever you like, but this is the way i always make...
Chicken breasts adorned with a fresh rosemary rub, then sauteed and braised in a sauce of orange juice, white wine and maple syrup. This wonderfully rich...
This recipe uses some of the same techniques and seasonings as the shish kebab to improve the dull turkey burger. For something made with meat that is...
This recipe makes your turkey moist and full of flavor. You can also use this recipe for Cornish game hens, chicken breasts or roasting chicken. Select...
Who says making a feast has to take forever? For large gatherings like Passover and Easter, leg of lamb is the roast of choice, and arranged on a platter...
This recipe is so good and surprisingly easy. The chicken comes out of the oven crispy yet stays moist with an indulgent filling. Chicken can be stuffed...
This marinated flank steak is a family favorite. We've made this recipe for over 30 years. I have passed this recipe on to friends more times than I can...
This is a spicy, hearty sandwich that will please those who love buffalo chicken wings. This recipe is perfect for those days spent watching football....
My wife and I sort of invented this recipe, we think. Chicken should have great flavor and the panko breadcrumbs and olive oil will give it a great crunch!...
Chicken breasts rolled up with a crabmeat and mushroom mixture, topped with a white sauce and baked. I got this recipe from a friend and my family loves...
Easy and delicious pineapple chicken. My family loves this recipe. Great served over rice. Add 3 to 4 tablespoons of your favorite ginger-carrot salad...
Chicken breasts are coated in a pecan breading, and fried in a skillet. Then a rich bourbon sauce is poured over them before serving. This is a fabulous...
Juicy, tender pork covered in a pan gravy that is packed with flavor. Great to serve to guests! My mother-in-law who can't cook demanded I teach her how...
An easy dish that looks like you've spent all day cooking and has a fabulous taste. Your family or friends will rave about it, and we don't need to tell...
Mom shared this recipe with me after many years of making it for company. I always thought there was more to it that made it such a special occasion dish,...
Mmmm...mmm... This is the recipe that my momma passed down to me. Born and raised in the South, and my momma was raised on a farm, so my family knows a...
Traditional Mexican Posole is served with shredded cabbage, lime wedges, avocado, onion, cilantro, and, of course, warm tortillas. Many Mexican markets...
Chinese 5-spice powder has a proven track record of awesomeness when combined with smoky, caramelized meats. This grilled five spice chicken recipe is...
I found this recipe and it sounded so good, but it served 100! I tweaked to serve 4 and use ingredients we like, and the results were great! I've got permission...